Putting on weight, feeling weak, and unmotivated? A numerology perspective.

Eugenie Young | Depression Stress Anxiety Mental Health Wellbeing Psychotherapy Counselling Coaching

Quite a few people have told me that they’ve been putting on weight recently as they found themselves locked down during this Coronavirus pandemic from early 2020—me including.

For all obvious reasons, the coronavirus situation seems legitimate, but it’s only an effect, not the cause of our weight troubles.

Based on numerology calculations, in 2020, the earth entered year four of the 9-year cycle. It’s a trough year – a year of consolidation and rest. The earth is resting, consolidating and integrating the changes of the past years and preparing for a new leap.

People who have also hit a low in their cycle will feel exhausted, needing to consume more energy and preserve as much of it as possible. In other words, they’’ need more food and want less movement. It’s a subconscious decision.

Each cycle has picks (years 1, 9, 5, 6) and troughs (years 4 and 7). Year 4 is the lowest of the deeps, 7 is a slightly higher deep. Our World Year Number currently is 4 (in 2020). You calculate it by adding all digits of the number: 2+0+0+2=4. It’s the lowest of the low.

If you are at your pick, it’s excellent! But if you are around numbers 4 and 7, you’ll need to slow down and calm down your nerves and mentally roused urges to avoid unnecessary difficulties and mental and physical exhaustion.

To calculate your Personal Year number, add the digits of the World Year Number (which is 4), the reduced to a 1-digit number of your month and your day of birth. Reduce the result to one digit again.

So, if you were born on 7.02 (Feb 7th), to find out your Personal Year Number add as follows:

7+2+4 (earth’s year) =13; 1+3=4

Like the planet itself, you are having a tough year. Your energies may be lower than usual, your health is not as strong, and things may not go to plan for you. You will be among those who may put on weight at this time, as may do those whose Personal Year is 3 and, to a lesser extent, all the neighbouring numbers around 4 and 7.

The good news is we will be rising out of this deep, and most of us will start feeling stronger this autumn.

So, hold on, my dear, for a bit longer, and the resting period will be over. Now is the time for introspection, meditation and rest, including for your mind. I’d say, especially your mind needs to rest the most. The restless mind is a dangerous thing for your body at this time, as it will create tension in the cells, damaging many systems in the body, particularly the immune systems.

The best thing to do now is following nature’s course, relax and rest if you need it. Exercise is vital at this time, too. Once this period is over, the world will awaken, and so will your body, your willpower and your drive.

For millennia, sages and traditional folks have kept their connection to earth unbroken through many generations, following its natural states. Pythagoras and other scholars introduced mathematical equations for calculating such influences. People used to follow natural cycles and rest and work with the earth. We’ve lost it. Now, we blindly follow our minds against all natural laws. We work when we should rest; we needlessly struggle when the best option is to allow things to take their course and wait.

I wish you wisdom, peace and patience, my friends. May these times bring us an expanded awareness.

PS Certainly, there may be many other reasons for your sluggishness, weakness, and weight issues. Energetic influences are only one of the possible effects. Seek help if these problems persist.


Picture of Eugenie Young

Eugenie Young

I am a counsellor, alternative therapist, and healer, helping people with emotional, physical and spiritual issues for over a decade.