Some successfully helped issues
- Neurological issues
- Mental fog and confusion
- Medically unexplained complaints
- Chronic pain & fatigue
- Irritable-bowel syndrome
- Asthma with panic
- Rheumatic disease pain
- Erectile dysfunction
- Infertility
- Sleep issues
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Pre-menstrual syndrome
- Digestive tract disorders
- Blood pressure
- Bladder problems
- Immune system weaknesses
- Skin issues
- Headaches
- Back and muscle pain
- Medications side effects
- Menopause symptoms
- Trauma and mood imbalances
- Persistent anxiety and worry
- Phobias and obsessions
- Anger and irritability
- Depression and hopelessness
- Suicidal ideations and desperation
- Low self-worth & self-respect
- Grief and loss
- Agoraphobia
- Social Anxiety / Phobia
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Withdrawal from Anti-Anxiety Medications
- Dental Phobia
- Binge-eating disorder
- Bulimia
- Dissatisfaction with body image
- Substance Abuse
- Personality Disorders
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Spiritual experiences and concerns
- Medically unexplained complaints
- Relationships issues
- Marital, family and social issues
- Fatigue, Low Energy, Loss of Creativity
- High Sensitivity
- Relationships Matters
- Spiritual Issues / Issues of the Subtle Nature (personal/environmental)
- Spiritual Growth
- Professional/Business Difficulties
- Creative Block
- Not Fulfilled
- Therapists’ Block
- Burn Out
- Loss of Direction
The information offered by this website is for educational purposes only and should not be used in place of medical advice. Please consult with your medical health practitioner before embarking on a new treatment, fitness routine, or diet. Please do not disregard medical advice or defer seeking it because of any information provided within this website.