How to Join a Zoom Meeting
- Join your Zoom meeting with Zoom app
Before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer or mobile device, you can download the Zoom app from https://zoom.us/download. Otherwise, you will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click a join link.
You can also join the meeting without having to download any plugins. I have including instructions about joining Zoom by call and using a web browser at the end.
1. You will receive an email inviting you to the meeting.
I will send you a new link for every session you book, unless we agree to set up a recurring meeting. In this case, you will be able to use the same link for all sessions.
Eugenie is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Eugenie
Time: May 16, 2022 10:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 4536 7582
Passcode: 392133
2. Click on the Join Zoom Meeting link.
Eugenie is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Eugenie
Time: May 16, 2022 10:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 4536 7582
Passcode: 392133
3. A new window will pop up. Click on the Open Zoom.us button.

4. Another pop-up will appear. Click on Join with Computer Audio.

5. You have now joined your Zoom meeting waiting room.
Please wait for me to begin the meeting and admit you.
6. When you are admitted to the meeting you will see a video preview screen as below. You should use this to ensure your camera can get a good view of your face from where you are sitting and to check there is nothing in view that you would not wish to be seen.
Click ‘Join with Video’. You will then see the host’s video.

7. You may see a dialogue box asking you to join with audio, as below. If so, click ‘Join with Computer Audio’. The session will then begin.

- Joining a Zoom meeting by call.
Dial a number below (when calling within the UK, use zero instead of +44) and follow the instructions.
One tap mobile
+441314601196,,85745367582#,,,,*392133# United Kingdom
+442034815237,,85745367582#,,,,*392133# United Kingdom
Dial by your location
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
+44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom
+44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 857 4536 7582
Passcode: 392133
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbID9dGJol
- Joining Zoom meeting from your web browser and bypassing downloading Zoom.
- Locate the meeting invite link from your email or calendar invitation.
- Click the join link to join the meeting.
- If a pop-up window prompts you to open or install the Zoom desktop client, click Cancel.
- At the bottom of the page, click the Join from your Browser link.
Note: If you don’t see this option, make sure to enable Join From Browser. - If prompted, sign in to your Zoom account. If you do not have a Zoom account, create a new account.
You will be prompted to enter your name and the meeting password if it was not included in the join link. - Click Join.