Treatment for Eating Disorders near Macduff
If you are looking for Treatment for Eating Disorders near Macduff, I can help you.
First of all, to help you understand whether it is Eating Disorders that you are experiencing, here is some helpful information that will guide you. Below that I have outlined some of the treatment options that I can offer you.
What are Eating Disorders?
An unhealthy relationship with food could be considered as eating too much, or too little, with concern about your weight or body shape. That probably applies to everyone at some point in their lives! However, an eating ‘disorder’ is condition where these aspects are long term and severe.
Common eating disorders are:
Anorexia Nervosa – insufficient food intake, often combined with excessive exercising
Bulimia – binge and purge: excessive intake, followed by deliberate expulsion
Binge Eating Disorder – excessive intake until feeling uncomfortably full
This short video will explain more:
Treatment for Eating Disorders
If you’re looking for Treatment for Eating Disorders near Macduff, it is crucial to realise that no single treatment fits all. The treatment that will be best for you is one that will be based upon a detailed understanding of what stresses you are experiencing, the lifestyle choices that you have made (or are seeking), and how your mind links with your body to generate the symptoms you suffer from. The first stage of any treatment is working with you to understand these vital factors.
It is, of course, very likely that a combination of treatment protocols will suit your unique circumstances rather than simply adopting one strategy. The key to my approach is to develop a deep understanding of your personal needs and circumstances and to adapt the treatment approach as your own needs change through the treatment process.
Here are three examples of Treatment for Eating Disorders that I offer:
Cognitive-Emotional Therapies as a Treatment for Eating Disorders near Macduff
Voicing what happens in your mind and how it makes you feel and behave will help you make sense of your troubles and their source and notice unhelpful patterns. Understanding all this, combined with therapeutic techniques, can help you make positive changes, take greater control of your life and improve your awareness and confidence.
Cognitive-Emotional therapies can help with difficult life events such as loss, relationship problems, painful past events, destructive feelings such as anger, low self-esteem or shame, mental health problems, and long-term physical health ailments.
Coaching as a Treatment for Eating Disorders near Macduff
A central belief underpinning coaching is that we possess inner wisdom and have all answers within us. The coach is there to help you access them, using various techniques such as NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), talking therapies, journaling, and mindfulness meditation.
Coaching is beneficial because it provides clarity whenever you feel confused about your issue, are stuck in a pattern, struggle to make a change, or see no direction or hope. It will help you get motivated, raise your self-awareness, understand and change your thinking patterns, perceptions, and behaviours and learn new skills.
Alternative Medicine as a Treatment for Eating Disorders near Macduff
My range includes NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), EFT (emotional freedom technique, or meridian tapping), vibrational medicine, aromatherapy (in the form of essences), mindfulness meditation, traditional Chinese medicine, radionics, dowsing for health, energy healing, and numerology.